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Awards Season is still going on strong here at Angels! The British Academy of Film & Television Arts (BAFTA) have announced the nominations for their prestigious Televisions Craft Awards for 2014. Angels Costumes is incredibly proud to have supplied costumes and uniforms to all four of the shows nominated in the Costume Design category.

The shows this year are all costume dramas with terrific attention to detail. This year seems to be the year of the period drama within the costume industry, with a lot of big costume awards and nominations going to shows with a nod to times gone by.


An Adventure In Space And Time follows the footsteps of BBC show Doctor Who from its creation to its difficult pilot and hugely successful first show. The show was must-see for all Doctor Who fans, both new and long time, die-hard fans. The casting of David Bradley was spot on, Mark Gatiss’ writing, yet again, second to none, and designer Suzanne Cave’s costumes being credited with “pinpoint accuracy” made this a huge hit with fans and even received a “standing ovation” from fans at the BFI event!

Getting the costumes right for something with such a huge following is a massive task, but Cave seems to have hit the nail on the head with the Doctor’s Costumes and also with the 60s chic.

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